News & Notice

Enjoy Dragon Boat Festival
Published: 2015-12-23
On 2nd, June, more than 20 international students from Hangzhou Dianzi University come to Xixi Park, enjoying their Dragon Boat Fe..

Cultural Visit to Fu Yang
Published: 2016-01-05
HDU international students went to Fu Yang, a district of Hangzhou for a cultural visit. They visited the beautifu..
Cultural Visit to Fu Yang
HDU international students went to Fu Yang, a district of Hangzhou for a cultural visit. They visited the beautiful Fu Chun River, Old Residence of Yu Dafu, a patriotic writer of China..
ISCF Closed on Dec. 19th
The International Students Cultural Festival (ISCF) was closed at the Students Activity Center on Dec. 19. Vice President Sun Lingling issued the certificate for the students.
Overview of Beautiful Campus
There are four campuses of HDU, Xiasha, Wenyi, Dongyue and Xiasha East. Free school buses make a convenient commuting. As a new comer of 2014,lets go and check first through the overview of the campu..
Forum on Academic Affairs
In the afternoon of December 23rd, at No.9 room of Science & Technology Museum there held a meeting on “Degree, education and teaching of international students”. The participants are the ..
International Students Graduated
On May 27, Tollef and Knut, students from Norway passed their thesis defense. Their research subjects are on Market Entry Strategy for Norwegian Seafood Com..